Sunday, December 8, 2019

FAST Day 24/40

International Anti-Corruption Day--Today! 
Asking YWAM Again for Disclosures

Join together to support the Into Integrity FAST
Part Two: 6-26 December 2019
#MyOrganizationToo #CMCtoo #HealUsToo

Stand up--Speak out--Live in integrity

“These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other
and render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against each other,
and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord…
Therefore love truth and peace.” 
Zechariah 8:16,19

Warm greetings!

We have just done the second podcast in Part Two of the Into Integrity FAST (see purpose statement at end). The theme is "International Anti-Corruption Day--Today! Asking YWAM Again for Disclosures."

èle shares excerpts from three core materials to overview why it is important for YWAM and its leaders to “assist by transparently and verifiably disclosing how they have been affected by the Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI),” as requested since 2012 by the Shine-the Light-Together petition and its signatories. How has YWAM dealt with this fraud so far, in their responses and lack of responses, including the wrongful dismissal against Kelly? You can read the transcript HERE.

The Into Integrity FAST is part of the larger, international effort to confront corruption:

Corruption begets more corruption and fosters a corrosive culture of impunity.” Every year $1 trillion is paid in bribes while an estimated $2.6 trillion are stolen annually through corruption – a sum equivalent to more than 5 per cent of the global GDP…. “I call on leaders everywhere to listen, to nurture a culture of integrity and to empower citizens to do their part at the grass roots.” (quotes from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and International Anti-corruption Day)

You Are Invited
Join together with us and people around the world during Part Two of the Into Integrity FAST (6-26 December 2019). Specifically, please join with us in fasting and/or prayer on either or both of these two important days:

--9 December 2019: International Anti-Corruption DayUniting to raise awareness of corruption, including preventing and combating it. We are also emphasizing integrity at all levels, individual through international.

--20 December 2019: International Human Solidarity Day. Uniting to promote wellbeing for all, including eradicating poverty in all its forms. We are also emphasizing moral health at all levels, individual through international.

Join together in solidarity!
We encourage you to focus (fasting and/or praying) on an area of integrity/moral health that is important for you. And of course focus on the specific NCI fraud and dismissals that continue to be publicly challenged over the past 12 years. You are welcome to contact us and share what you are doing.
Don’t be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don’t hesitate to go public now. Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands." Matthew 10: 26-28, The Message

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support. 
Stand up. Speak out. Live in integrity.
Please spread the word.

Kelly and Michèle

Going Further

Be sure to check out these relevant items too:
the seven podcasts and seven blogposts that Kelly did in Part One of FAST in June 2019

the comments of several colleagues who have expressed their strong support for us and the Into Integrity FAST’s calls for disclosures, integrity, and righting the wrongful dismissals (see the September Into Integrity weblog entry)

--the latest PETRA People weblog (December 2019) includes 15 principles for confronting corruption; and three ongoing efforts to confront corruption and the international NCI et al fraud: the Professional Review, the Healing the Body summary-summons, and the Integrity Petition.

Shine the Light-Together!

The purpose of the Into Integrity FAST is to call attention to--and confront--the lack of disclosures by specific organizations/leaders/people affected by the international Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI) as well as the related, wrongful dismissals directed at Kelly and Michèle. Join with us in FAsting for genuine contrition and STriking for resolute action within the Church Mission Community (CMC).
Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Corruption is moral rottenness, the opposite of integrity--the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people.

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