Sunday, May 15, 2022

Global Integrity Day--9 June 2022

Into Integrity
Special News and Events

Live in integrity--Unite for integrity
#HealUsToo  --  #MyOrganizationToo  --  #PetraPeopleNet

“These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other
and render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against each other,
and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord…
Therefore love truth and peace.” 
Zechariah 8:16,19

Warm greetings!

Into Integrity Update
The Into Integrity FAST, involving 40 days of food fasting and hunger striking, featuring special podcasts and blogposts, was launched June through December 2019. We continue FAST via the ongoing call for the assistance and integrity of specific Christian organizations, leaders, and people affected by the international Nordic Capital investment KB (NCI) fraud: verifiably disclose via internal and independent reviews, make right the wrongful dismissals, and do what is “good, right, and true before the Lord your God" (2 Chronicles 31:20). 

We encourage you to: 
--Read the Into Integrity weblog entries to review why it is so important for the moral health and reputation of the Church-Mission Community to resolutely persevere in the FAST call.

--Listen to our podcast: Awaken the Good—Heal the Body: A Personal Exhortation for Specific Leaders (20 December 2019). We continue the ongoing efforts to call for and pray for repentance and healing in the international Church Mission Community. 

--Listen to our 
podcast: Confronting Corruption in Our Midst: Principles for Courage, Integrity and Action (12 December 2019). It is a reflection of this Updates message to "go boldly into the darkness as we live in integrity and unite for integrity."

Special News and Events

In this Update we focus on the upcoming 
 Global Integrity Day (GID)--9 June 2022. The theme is Integrity and Corruption in the Health SectorGID is "a positive day to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year..." Visit the website to explore the latest integrity and anti-corruption resources and some of the suggested ways to connect with GID.

Choose an Event!
GID this year features a selection of five special "spotlight events" for you that are available on demand for free:

Spotlight Event 1. Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care: Why Do We Speak So Little About Them? (13 December 2021), a one-hour webinar organized by the Faith and Public Integrity Network.

Spotlight Event 2. Contributions for Moral Health from Peace Psychology (7 November 2018), a 25 minute presentation during Geneva Peace Week, held at the United Nations.
Spotlight Event 3. Breaking Vicious Cycles of Dirty Money and Impunity (4 December 2020), a plenary from the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (90 minutes with Q and A)--create a free account to access.
Spotlight Event 4. Integrity and Anti-Corruption on the Frontlines (30 April 2022), five interviews with advocates from around the world organized by Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network (about 20 minutes each).
Spotlight Event 5. The Use of Technologies for Battling Corruption (free e-course available online from 9 May-June 20--in Arabic and English) offered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)​--create a free account to access.

Making the most of the spotlight events: Watch one or more of these events during the week before or after 9 June, including doing so interactively with friends and colleagues.

--What did you find the most interesting or helpful?
--List a few things that you would like to explore more.
--Was there anything you thought to be controversial or not helpful?
--List some practical applications for you/your settings.

“These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other
and render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against each other,
and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord…
Therefore love truth and peace.” 
Zechariah 8:16,19

Fight the evil of corruption--in all its forms.
Live in integrity--Unite for integrity

Kelly and Michèle

Into Integrity

Thank you for your encouragement, support, and prayers. 

The purpose of Into Integrity is to call attention to--and confront--the lack of disclosures by specific organizations/leaders/people affected by the international Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI) as well as the related, wrongful dismissals directed at Kelly and Michèle O’Donnell. It has featured a 40 day FAST (part one 6-26 June 2019 and part two 6-26 December 2019): FAsting for genuine contrition and STriking for resolute action within the Church Mission Community (CMC).

Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Corruption is moral rottenness, the opposite of integrity--the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people. Global integrity is living consistently in moral wholeness at all levels--individual, interpersonal, institutional, and international--across sectors and settings, local through global, systemic and structural.

Going further--See also:

--links for comments by colleagues expressing their strong support for the specific calls to people and organizations for integrity, disclosures, and confronting wrongful dismissals;

--links for the Into Integrity 
podcasts and blogposts: seven by Kelly (Part One, June 2019) and seven by Michèle and Kelly (Part Two, December 2019);

--links to the latest 
PETRA People weblog focusing on a) new resources for integrity and anti-corruption and b) continuing the call for assistance by specific leaders, organizations and others affected by the international NCI fraud: the Professional Review, the Healing the Body summary-summons, and the Integrity Petition. 

Shine the Light-Together!

Don’t be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don’t hesitate to go public now. Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands. Matthew 10: 26-28, The Message

International Anti-Corruption Day--9 December 2023

Special News and Events! Note-  Into Integrity  has two parts . Part One (2020-current) Materials related to a) the Into Integrity FAST and ...