Thursday, June 1, 2023

Global Integrity Day-9 June 2023

Note- Into Integrity has two parts.

Part One (2020-current)

Materials related to a) the Into Integrity FAST and b) news and resources emphasizing Global Integrity Day-9 June and International Anti-Corruption Day--9 December

Part Two (2019)

Materials related to the Into Integrity FAST emphasizing the 14 podcasts and the 18 blog posts

Special News and Events!

“These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other
and render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against each other,
and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord…
Therefore love truth and peace.” Zechariah 8:16,19

Warm greetings as we continue into our fourth year of Into Integrity,
taking action and sharing resources to support integrity. 

Into Integrity Update
Read the full Update on the Into Integrity weblog


Into Integrity FASTinvolving 40 days of food fasting and hunger striking, featuring special podcasts and blogposts, was launched June through December 2019. We continue FAST via the ongoing call for the assistance and integrity of specific Christian organizations, leaders, and people affected by the international Nordic Capital investment KB (NCI) fraud: verifiably disclose via internal and independent reviews, make right the wrongful dismissals, and do what is “good, right, and true before the Lord your God" (2 Chronicles 31:20). 

We encourage you read the Into Integrity weblog to review why it is so important for the moral health and reputation of the Church-Mission Community to resolutely persevere in the FAST call. We also encourage you to listen to the Into Integrity podcasts, such as: Confronting Corruption in Our Midst: Principles for Courage, Integrity, and Action and Awaken the Good--A Personal Exhortation to Specific Leaders. There is more information about Into Integrity below towards the end.

Thank you for your encouragement, support, and prayers,

Kelly and Michèle O'Donnell
Live in integrity--Unite for integrity


Spotlight Activities
Global Integrity Day-9 June 2023
Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption
Sharing our Stories and Strategies

In this Update (#25) we highlight the upcoming Global Integrity Day (GID)--9 June 2022. The theme is "Faith-based Champions Fighting Corruption--Sharing Our Stories and Strategies.We are excited and encouraged to see colleagues in different countries getting involved! GID is "a positive day to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year..." Visit the GID website to explore the latest integrity and anti-corruption resources (50+ for this years theme) and some of the suggested ways to connect with GID.

GID Spotlight Activities
GID this year features a selection of special "spotlight activities" such as radio broadcasts, gatherings, and webinars.  Specifically, we encourage you to note three of the special spotlight events for GID this year. Let us know if you would also like to organize an activity related to GID and share your stories and strategies for integrity and anti-corruption on the GID website.

1. Joint Webinar. We are thrilled to invite you to a special spotlight event (one-hour webinar) for GID-9 June with both Tear Fund and the Faith and Public Integrity Network. The webinar is Perceptions on Corruption from Faith Leaders in Latin AmericaRSVP here to receive the join link. This is a public webinar and please feel free to share about it with your colleagues and networks. More details are on the GID website--update August--the Full Report
, Executive Summary, and short animated video are now available of the Tear Fund Study that the webinar was based on.


2. Cameroon Initiative. We also highlight a special GID activity that has already begun in Cameroon. A pastor there who heard about GID has enthusiastically designed special shirts and hats for GID with a GID motto, "Make every day an integrity day.He is also planning to do radio broadcasts on and around GID-9 June to educate and advocate for integrity and anti-corruption. More information is posted on the GID website along with the pastor's inspiring story about his experience confronting petty corruption in his church (written) and his short video greetings and encouragement about GID.


3. You! Affirm someone you know (or know of) who is acting with integrity. Use GID as a special occasion to encourage them!

Making the most of the spotlight activities:
1. Let us know if you would also like to organize an activity related to GID and share your stories and strategies for integrity and anti-corruption on the GID website.

2. Watch the main spotlight webinar on 9 June (or the archived recording later), including doing so interactively with friends and colleagues.

--What did you find the most interesting or helpful?
--List a few things that you would like to explore more.
--Was there anything you thought to be controversial or not helpful?
--List some practical applications for you/your settings.

3. Participate and spread the word! Make every day an integrity day!

Global Integrity Day (GID)
Four Features
GID is a positive day to reflect, teach, and collaborate on ways to integrate integrity in all we do throughout the entire year.

GID is also a strategic day to promote a) cultivating lifestyles, cultures, and systems of integrity from the individual through the international levels; b) joining together to understand and address the causes and consequences of corruption in its many forms; and c) working towards just and equitable societies marked with wellbeing for all people and for the planet.

GID is a solemn day to consider our ways: if we are lying and/or stealing in any way big or small, then we need to stop it. If we need to right a wrong we have done, then do so. If we need to prudently confront wrongdoing, preferably in solidarity with colleagues for mutual support and greater impact, then do so.

GID is a companion day to complement UN International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December (and vice versa). Both Days are practical rallying points, six months apart, for fostering common ground, organizing events, sharing initiatives, and involving the public.

Into Integrity
Make every day an integrity day!

"Corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust.….We must hold leaders to account….A vibrant civic space and open access to information are essential. And we must protect the rights and recognize the courage of whistle-blowers who expose wrongdoing….As an age-old plague takes on new forms, let us combat it with new heights of resolve.”  UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, Statement on corruption (15 October 2020)

The purpose of Into Integrity is to call attention to--and confront--the lack of disclosures by specific organizations/leaders/people affected by the international Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI) as well as the related, wrongful dismissals directed at Kelly and Michèle O’Donnell. It has featured a 40 day FAST (part one 6-26 June 2019 and part two 6-26 December 2019): FAsting for genuine contrition and STriking for resolute action within the Church Mission Community (CMC).
Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Corruption is moral rottenness, the opposite of integrity--the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people. Global integrity is living consistently in moral wholeness at all levels--individual, interpersonal, institutional, and international--across sectors and settings, local through global.
Going Further
See the  Into Integrity weblog-updates for more background information including: 

--Links for comments by colleagues expressing their strong support for the specific calls to people and organizations for integrity, disclosures, and confronting wrongful dismissals;

--Links for the Into Integrity podcasts and blogposts: seven by Kelly (Part One, June 2019) and seven by Michèle and Kelly (Part Two, December 2019);

--Links to the latest PETRA People weblogs focusing on a) new resources for integrity and anti-corruption and b) continuing the call for assistance by specific leaders, organizations and others affected by the international NCI fraud: the Professional Review, the Healing the Body summary-summons (Part Two of every weblog entry), and the Integrity Petition  (see below).

Shine the Light--Together!

This petition is an ongoing, international call for the organizations (current and past staff, leaders, board members, etc.) and people affected by the Nordic Capital Investment KB (NCI) fraud to share and help uncover the truth—to transparently and verifiably disclose.

There must be zero tolerance for corruption and its cover ups, complicity, and cowardice.
Act with integrity--live in integrity. Read it, sign it, share it. Thank you!

"Don’t be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don’t hesitate to go public now. Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands." 

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International Anti-Corruption Day--9 December 2023

Special News and Events! Note-  Into Integrity  has two parts . Part One (2020-current) Materials related to a) the Into Integrity FAST and ...